Here are news items related to the funding, development and premiere of The Good Raised Up:
March, 2012
The Good Raised Up featured on Comcast Newsmakers.
The Good Raised Up covered by
Read the full story...
October, 2011
The Good Raise Up project mentioned in Chorus America's quarterly publication, The Voice. (Link coming soon)
September, 2011
Collaborators met at the Johnson House to read through the newly written work and to begin to plan how the piece will be performed in this unique space. Read more from Commonwealth Youthchoirs' monthly e-newsletter...
May, 2011
PNC Arts Alive announces The Good Raised Up as one of "twenty-six arts organizations with innovative ways
to bring visual and performing arts to new audiences were awarded grants of a combined
$1 million today by The PNC Foundation through PNC Arts Alive." Read the whole press release...